When good cats happen to strange people

Googly Eyes does it again! Our optically-voluptious Allison rose about the other over-the-hill fame junkies models and stole this week’s episode of ANTM!

While I did pause with uncertainty and promised to quit this show should Allison go home (Take note Tyra or you’ll lose half your audience!), I was proven wrong!. She not only won the interview challenge with Extra’s own AC Slater (she can string two sentences together!) but also the photo shoot (booty tooching in stilts!)

Angelea's a strong bitch, but she's a weak bitch too

Aside from my beloved Peaches Geldof Allison, all the girls were pretty lame and fell flat in their photos. Nigel said that sleepy Bre looked like Blade Runner (I do declare you are an idiot Nigel) and Lisa can continuously look like herself (what…a stretch). Seriously Lisa keep your smiling snatch shut.

In the end, Penile defunct ISIS and 716 Angelea were the bottom two, with Angelea escaping elimination despite that she looked like a bent over cow in a leather ace bandage. Oh ANTM, how I love the!