Pick of the day-the Return of Trashy Nighttime Dramas!

Posted: September 23, 2011 in Goop

SMG ponders what a life size photo of her would look like; turns around in horror.

OMG! Either its 1995 again or Aaron Spelling has a soap opera production division in Heaven because its been a while since the night time line up seemed so brightly filled with trashy soaps! Of course I’m speaking about the Rs (insert pirate accent here), “Revenge” and “Ringer.”

“Revenge”, starring that dopey chick from “Brothers and Sisters” (thank God that crap was cancelled so I can stop watching it!) is trash in the best way possible. It centers around a bunch of rich Hamptoners and their complete inability to act like human beings. (my favorite!)

We also have Madeline Stowe and Amber Valetta as mean bitches who like to humiliate each other and a ‘You people killed my dad so I’m going to make your life hell’ plot line that is very MelrosePlacien.

And then we have “Ringer,” the drama starring Sarah Michelle ‘My dress looks like Boulliabase’ Gell-aar (yeah that’s right SMG-you’re a Jew, get over it). 

Sarah Michelle plays IRISH twins, one who is a fall down drunk pretending to be the other, a snobby bitch who is presumed dead but is really in Paris trying to kill the sister pretending to be her. Ok it sounds complicated but in the best way possible. YAY!

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