Pick of the Day – America’s Next Top Monstrosity All Rejects Edition

Posted: September 15, 2011 in Goop

Can you spot a model? No, me neither.

Last night was the premier of the 75th 17th cycle of America’s Next Top Catalog Smizer and what a welcome return it wasn’t.

Ok so the schizophrenic Tyra, who apparently ran out of Rachel Roy jumpsuits (seriously what was she wearing last night?), pulled together all of the ANTM rejects she could muster for the All Stars season.

We have Lisa ‘Da You say Tomato, I say you look 40,’ and ISIS ‘I ain’t got a penis no mo’ to name a couple. With the exception of googly-eyed Allison, this lot of booty-tooching fame whores seem kind of pathetic. The formula hasn’t changed much, with the exception of the live panel in front of an audience. Seriously, who paid these people to be there?

After all the models strutted their tired, coked-out asses to the stage to scream into the microphone, the panel sent home cycle 4 loser Brittany, who gets to go back to her day spa and dream of one day not sticking a hose up someone’s butt.

Nigel Barker has a weird growth spurt

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